Today marks the birthday of On August 5, 2010, was created and brought online to bring good content on virtualization to the wonderful community that I am a part of. It is because of the others in our wonderful virtualization community that have inspired me to write, such as:
- Duncan Epping (@DuncanYB)
- Scott Lowe (@scott_lowe)
- Eric Sloof (@esloof)
- Eric Gray (@eric_gray)
- Cody Bunch (@cody_bunch)
- And many others
The list could go on and on. I am so proud to be able to provide content regarding the technologies that we have grown to love and use so much. The year was filled with many ups and downs as I got off the ground and into the world of blogging. The highlight for me this year was definitely being invested the 2011 VMware vExpert Award for my contributions to the community. This has made me extremely proud of what I have done and I can only hope to build on this to bring even more to the community!
Thanks everyone who has supported me and We are hoping for another great year!