So after playing around with my latest vCenter 5 installation I found that my logs were filling up with the following:
Active Directory Web Services encountered an error while reading the settings for the specified Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance. Active Directory Web Services will retry this operation periodically. In the mean time, this instance will be ignored. Instance name: ADAM_VMwareVCMSDS
I remember this happening before in vCenter 4.1, the fix was to modify a registry key for the Port SSL Value. Here is where you need to modify it for vCenter 5.x:
- Key: HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\ADAM_VMwareVCMSDS\Parameters
- Value: Port SSL
- Data: 636
You will notice that there is already a value there but it is a REG_SZ. You will need to delete this one and create the above value. Once you do this, restart the VMwareVCMSDS service and you should be good to go.