So a couple of weeks ago I was contacted after offering to help with the Houston VMUG and asked if I was willing to take over as Leader of the group. Shocked by the request and honored at the same time, I responded with an “ABSOLUTELY”. I would like to thank Ed Murray and Jean Williams for their vote of confidence in my taking over the role from Mark Swensen. Hopefully Mark will lend some time to help get me off on the right foot. I can only hope that the membership will grow and that we will continue to be an active group.
Now for some business, I would like to get together a steering committee to aid me in putting together the VMUG meetings. If you would be interested in doing this then please contact me and we can talk about it. I am looking for 4-5 people that are as passionate about VMUG as I am and have that drive to make the Houston VMUG a huge success, improve upon what Mark has put before us. Those are some big shoes to fill but I think we can get it done!
Now for some fun, if you are interested in joining the Houston VMUG or any VMUG for that matter, go visit the VMUG website @ You can join the greatest user group on the face of the earth there. Not to mention, that there are plenty of benefits that a VMUG Member gets! Go check it out!