After pulling together some different resources from the likes of Alan Renouf, Luc Dekens, Eric Sloof, and others in the PowerCLI community (Forgive me if I didn’t mention all but I read through a lot of different people’s posts!), I have pieced together something that I use regularly to report datastore sizes and amounts of free space. All sent to you in a nice HTML e-mail.
{% highlight PowerShell %} @" =============================================================================== Title: Report-Datastores.ps1 Description: Report Datastore usage for all Datastores managed by vCenter Requirements: Windows Powershell and the VI Toolkit Usage: .\Report-Datastores.ps1 =============================================================================== “@
#Global Functions
#This function generates a nice HTML output that uses CSS for style formatting.
function Generate-Report {
Write-Output "<html><head><title></title><style type=""text/css"">.Error {color:#FF0000;font-weight: bold;}.Title {background: #0077D4;color: #FFFFFF;text-align:center;font-weight: bold;}.Normal-left {text-align:left;}.Normal {text-align:right;}</style></head><body><table><tr class=""Title""><td colspan=""4"">VMware Datastore Report</td></tr><tr class="Title"><td>Datastore </td><td>Capacity(GB) </td><td>Used(GB) </td><td>% Free </td></tr>"
Foreach ($store in $report){
Write-Output "<td class=""Normal-left"">$($</td><td class=""Normal"">$($store.CapacityGB)</td><td class=""Normal"">$($store.UsedGB)</td><td class=""Normal"">$($store.PercFree)</td></tr> "
Write-Output "</table></body></html>"
#Login details
$username = 'administrator@vsphere.local'
$password = 'vmware'
#Current, Previous, Difference File information
$digits = 2
$Folder = 'C:\Reports'
#List of servers including Virtual Center Server. The account this script will run as will need at least Read-Only access to Cirtual Center
$VIServers = "" #Chance to DNS Names/IP addresses of your ESXi servers or Virtual Center Server
#Initialise Array
$Report = @()
#Get all datastores and put them in alphabetical order
foreach ($server in $VIServers){
# Check is server is a Virtual Center Server and connect with current user
if ($server -eq "VCServer"){Connect-VIServer $VIServer}
# Use specific login details for the rest of servers in $serverlist
else {Connect-VIServer $VIServer -user $username -password $password}
Get-Datastore | Sort-Object Name | %{
$Store = {} | Select Name, CapacityGB, UsedGB, PercFree
$Store.Name = $
$Store.CapacityGB = [math]::Round($_.capacityMB/1024,$digits)
$Store.UsedGB = [math]::Round(($_.CapacityMB - $_.FreeSpaceMB)/1024,$digits)
$Store.PercFree = [math]::Round(100*$_.FreeSpaceMB/$_.CapacityMB,$digits)
$Report += $Store
# Disconnect from Virtual Center
Disconnect-VIServer -Confirm:$False
# Generate the report and email it as a HTML body of an email
Generate-Report > "$Folder\Report-Datastore.html"
IF ($Report -ne ""){
$SmtpClient = New-Object
$ = "" #Change to a SMTP server in your environment
$MailMessage = New-Object
$MailMessage.from = "" #Change to email address you want emails to be coming from
$MailMessage.To.add("") #Change to email address you would like to receive emails.
$MailMessage.IsBodyHtml = 1
$MailMessage.Subject = "VMware Datastore Report"
$MailMessage.Body = Generate-Report
{% endhighlight %}