Datastore Size Reporting via PowerCLI Script

After pulling together some different resources from the likes of Alan Renouf, Luc Dekens, Eric Sloof, and others in the PowerCLI community (Forgive me if I didn’t mention all but I read through a lot of different people’s posts!), I have pieced together something that I use regularly to report datastore sizes and amounts of free space.  All sent to you in a nice HTML e-mail.

{% highlight PowerShell %} @” =============================================================================== Title: Report-Datastores.ps1 Description: Report Datastore usage for all Datastores managed by vCenter Requirements: Windows Powershell and the VI Toolkit Usage: .\Report-Datastores.ps1 =============================================================================== “@

#Global Functions
#This function generates a nice HTML output that uses CSS for style formatting.
function Generate-Report {
 Write-Output "<html><head><title></title><style type=""text/css"">.Error {color:#FF0000;font-weight: bold;}.Title {background: #0077D4;color: #FFFFFF;text-align:center;font-weight: bold;}.Normal-left {text-align:left;}.Normal {text-align:right;}</style></head><body><table><tr class=""Title""><td colspan=""4"">VMware Datastore Report</td></tr><tr class="Title"><td>Datastore </td><td>Capacity(GB) </td><td>Used(GB) </td><td>% Free </td></tr>"

 Foreach ($store in $report){
 Write-Output "<td class=""Normal-left"">$($</td><td class=""Normal"">$($store.CapacityGB)</td><td class=""Normal"">$($store.UsedGB)</td><td class=""Normal"">$($store.PercFree)</td></tr> " 
 Write-Output "</table></body></html>" 

#Login details
$username = 'administrator@vsphere.local'
$password = 'vmware'

#Current, Previous, Difference File information
$digits = 2
$Folder = 'C:\Reports'

#List of servers including Virtual Center Server. The account this script will run as will need at least Read-Only access to Cirtual Center
$VIServers = "" #Chance to DNS Names/IP addresses of your ESXi servers or Virtual Center Server

#Initialise Array
$Report = @()

#Get all datastores and put them in alphabetical order
 foreach ($server in $VIServers){

 # Check is server is a Virtual Center Server and connect with current user
 if ($server -eq "VCServer"){Connect-VIServer $VIServer}

 # Use specific login details for the rest of servers in $serverlist
 else {Connect-VIServer $VIServer -user $username -password $password}

 Get-Datastore | Sort-Object Name | %{
 $Store = {} | Select Name, CapacityGB, UsedGB, PercFree
 $Store.Name = $
 $Store.CapacityGB = [math]::Round($_.capacityMB/1024,$digits)
 $Store.UsedGB = [math]::Round(($_.CapacityMB - $_.FreeSpaceMB)/1024,$digits)
 $Store.PercFree = [math]::Round(100*$_.FreeSpaceMB/$_.CapacityMB,$digits)
 $Report += $Store
 # Disconnect from Virtual Center
 Disconnect-VIServer -Confirm:$False

# Generate the report and email it as a HTML body of an email
Generate-Report > "$Folder\Report-Datastore.html"
 IF ($Report -ne ""){
 $SmtpClient = New-Object
 $ = "" #Change to a SMTP server in your environment
 $MailMessage = New-Object
 $MailMessage.from = "" #Change to email address you want emails to be coming from
 $MailMessage.To.add("") #Change to email address you would like to receive emails.
 $MailMessage.IsBodyHtml = 1
 $MailMessage.Subject = "VMware Datastore Report"
 $MailMessage.Body = Generate-Report

{% endhighlight %}